To Brooks' delight, our good friend Zack showed up at our door the other night with his UGA football helmet on. Brooks immediately made a beeline for his helmet and put it on as well. The next 45 minutes consisted of lots of head butts and tackling. It was quite entertaining.
We went to Knoxville to visit my family last weekend. Friday night Uncle Funky and the Zero Cash Band had a gig at a local restaurant. Brooks got invited to join the band, and it was the cutest thing ever. He had the best time on stage with Granddad.
The Lord knows and delights in the joy of my sweet child's heart. We went shoe shopping for Brooks yesterday and he found some rain boots he had to have. They were on sale so his new green boots with bugs on them came home with us. Shortly after we got home Brooks went down for his nap. After he fell asleep it poured rain. When he woke up and saw that it rained he jumped with joy, ran straight for the bag the boots were still sitting in and begged to go jump in puddles. It made my heart smile to see his pure joy in the smallest thing.
As if new boots and rain puddles wasn't enough joy for one day, Daddy and Brooks made me a birthday cake. Brooks loves cake, clearly!
We took the boys to the braves game two weeks ago. I think Hatcher might have been the youngest fan there at 4 weeks old. It was obscenely hot, but Brooks had a blast!
Brooks especially loved running the base they have set up at the top of the stadium.