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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, May 17, 2010

Swimming the the backyard

We blew up Brooks little pool for the backyard. He loves playing in it. He also got some new Thomas the Train sunglasses that he won't go outside without.

Daddy's Big Fish

Justin went fishing with some friends. It was catch and release, but one of the fish he caught (a 7 pounder) died before he could release it. Bad for the fish but great for Brooks who was so excited to see such a big fish. This was his initial face.

Here he is pretending to give it a kiss.
and putting his fist in it's mouth and touching his tongue.

Mother's Day Present

When Mommy was at work one day Daddy and Brooks made me the best Mother's Day present ever. Brooks painted this beautiful birdhouse for me. Of course he couldn't wait until Mother's Day to give it to me. As soon as he woke up from his nap he made Daddy get it so he could show it to me.

He also painted his butterfly house he made at Home Depot a few weeks ago.

Home Depot with Granddad

My parents were in town the first Saturday of May and got to go do the project at Home Depot with Brooks. Here is Brooks all ready to go to work.
Granddad bravely held all the wood together while Brooks wielded the hammer

Mommy had to step in to save Granddad's fingers a few times, especially when Brooks would get distracted by the other kids working on their projects. He would keep swinging away full force with that hammer while looking all over the place.

Brooks' little tool belt has a tape measure and level which Brooks pulled out all on his own to check his work.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A few cute pics

Our friend Joey gave Brooks these "Piderman" PJs. Brooks loves the wings/webs and wanted to sport them with some of Daddy's skit sunglasses.
After enjoying a piece of Daddy's birthday cake

G Day Game

We took Brooks to Athens for the first time for the G Day game. It was so much fun. He loved walking around downtown and North Campus. He was such a trooper and made it the whole day without his usual 3 hour nap. Of course, he fell asleep in the car on the way home around 5:30 and woke only briefly when we moved him to his bed:-)

Playing catch with Daddy on Herty Field

Watching the game with Mommy

Watching the game with Cousin Caleb

Our best attempt all day at a family picture

Cheering on the Bulldogs with Daddy


The Easter Bunny came to visit Brooks this year :-) Along with the usual eggs with candy, he brought Brooks a baseball glove. Brooks was beside himself with excitement and carried it around all day. He even wanted to take it into church, but we talked him into leaving it in the car.
Family photo at Pop and Gigi's house
Brooks and Caleb riding their "tractor" at Pop and Gigi's
The Easter Bunny left a really big basket at Pop and Gigi's house for the boys. Once it was empty Brooks wanted to use it for the egg hunt in the front yard.
Brooks did a great job collecting eggs and was excited to show off his loot.